Sean Rands

picture of Sean, lost somewhere in a thicketI’m a behavioural and evolutionary ecologist who is happiest working within lots of different disciplines at once. The Interaction Biology front page explains where I think the main body of my interests lie, but I can be easily distracted by interesting questions! I’m happy to consider using a range of theoretical and empirical techniques to address how organisms interact with the environment and with each other, and I enjoy collaboration, so please contact me if you have a question you think I’d be interested in.

About me

After a BSc in Zoology at Imperial College (back when it was part of the University of London), I studied the behavioural ecology of avian parental care for my PhD at the University of Bristol. I was then a post-doctoral researcher shared at various times between the University of Cambridge (in Rufus Johnstone‘s group), the Institute of Zoology in London (working with Guy Cowlishaw and colleages), and the University of Exeter (working with Matthew Evans).

In 2006, I moved to the School of Veterinary Science in the University of Bristol, as a lecturer on the BSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science course. In 2012, I shifted to the Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences, where, alongside my research, I have been involved with teaching at various different levels, and I have been a senior lecturer (UK equivalent to Associate Professor) since 2014.


concerning group behaviour: Rufus Johnstone (University of Cambridge), Guy Cowlishaw (Zoological Society of London), Mark Briffa (Plymouth University), Luca Giuggioli (University of Bristol), Christos Ioannou (University of Bristol)

concerning plants and pollinators: Heather Whitney (University of Bristol), Allan Ellis (University of Stellenbosch), Beverley Glover (University of Cambridge), Natalie Hempel de Ibarra (University of Exeter)

concerning parasites and hosts: Andy Fenton (University of Liverpool), Jo Lello (Cardiff University)

concerning parent-offspring behaviour: Rob Thomas (Cardiff University)

Contact me

phone: +44 (0)117 394 1198
twitter: @SeanRands
official University web page: